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Tips To Successfully Have Your Ex Back In Your Arms

Short of dealing with a death, a break up is the worst kind of pain to experience. Asking the question “Can I get her back?” becomes something that consumes our every though and action. The loss of a relationship is similar to the pain of the death of a loved one.

You are going through the same emotions grieving the loss of love itself. If you are asking, “Can I get Her Back?” the answer is yes. You may not believe me at this moment. If you have it in your heart to trust me a little, I know exactly the steps you need to take to get her back.

At this point you have nothing to lose and only her to gain. Lets give this advice a shot and get started on a plan of action so you can get her back.

First, you need to start with breaking all contact. This may be the opposite of what you want to hear. Can I get her back? Only if you give her time to miss you. Hard as this may be, it is a crucial step in how to get her back. This means no calling, texting or e-mailing. Do not leave messages on Facebook or My Space.

This step in can I get her back accomplishes two things. First it gives her the opportunity to start missing you and wondering about you. Secondly, it gives you both some time to think and sort out your feelings. Use this time wisely to analyze your role in the relationship and as a person. Make changes accordingly to learn how to have a better relationship when you get her back.

have-your-ex-backYou cannot call, text or e-mail. Do not talk to his friends and family about him and do not ‘show up’ where you think he might be. He will wonder why the desperation is gone and why all of a sudden you are okay with this break up.

Can I get her back? I know you are still asking this question. I am very proud of you for taking this first and hardest step. We will continue on and by the end you will have the tools that give you the power to reconcile your relationship.

During this time of no contact you need to act as if you are okay with the break up. The last thing you want to do is let her think that your are depressed, desperate and pathetic. Women like their men to be strong and be able to handle situations. Even though you are hurting inside, try not to let this show. Act happy and do things that are fun. Get a new hobby, go out with friends or join a gym.

These are the first two steps to healing your relationship. There will be times when you get down and lonely. Try to remember that your end goal is to have her back in your arms. There is a purpose for everything you are doing.

Are you ready to move on to the next steps in “Can I Get Her Back?” There is an appropriate time and way to initiate contact. The first contact must give the correct impression or you will have to start from square one again to get her back.