The Hope-nosis Continues On February 12th was the Obaminator’s fifth State of the Union Address since joining the Masters of the Universe, and it played out like Kumbayah on a left handed guitar. The mesmerizing hope-nosis of B.O.’s smoke and mirrors took me back to his first round of presidency, when I, and many others, …
The resurrection of western collectives giving a fuck (the most recognizable example being Occupy, and more recently, Idle No More) has been exciting for the combat boot wearing, teenage girl I used to be. The most invigorating part has been watching different sectors of the global community unify around common issues and macro goals, which …
Last Wednesday Fiona Apple was outted by a sniffer dog for possession of marijuana and hash at a border stop in Texas. Apparently Texas law considers hashish possession of any amount a third degree felony, which means Fiona could do up to ten years in prison (Texas . . . lol). Of course she won’t, …